Spirit Talks Update

************Here’s an update for Spirit Talks! For the people who have signed up and are planning to take the entire course, please email me your birth information (date of birth, time, and location) so I can run your charts before you come. I have room for 3 more people in this series of classes so call me to register 561-523-2361. Please read the attached flyer for more details! ********************************

Both events that I am doing, “The Footprints of the Soul” Retreat and “Spirit Talks”, are channeled information. “Footprints of the Soul” has taken 40 years to complete. Number 1, the message is so profound it years to unfold. Number 2, I was given the incredible experience of channeling Automatic Art by Picasso that I was able to bring in “The Evolution of the Soul” series into the Earth plane to serve as a vehicle for teaching, this artwork is hung both in museums and the Psychical Research Center in Hollywood Florida. The Miami Harold has coined my artwork “Cosmic Doodling for the Soul”. This original spirit Automatic Art serves as a guideline to teach our soul’s journey. Number 3, I had to go through my own evolution to comprehend the information that I was to teach.

This class is especially for people who know that they are ready to make a tremendous break through in their life’s journey. The information that you will learn will be empowering because it will enable you to see the bigger picture of your life and therefore fulfill your Destiny Purpose.

Here is all the information about both events!

Foot Prints of the Soul Retreat
July 11th and 12th 2014

Taught by Carole Lynn Grant

Do you feel an urgency to get on with your destiny purpose? Then this over night retreat is for you. Our creator is speeding up our unique capabilities because we are to prosper in our divine destiny plan. Due to unique planetary trends we can break through previous barriers and get off the karmic wheel to create the lifestyle we’ve always wanted.

What you will learn in this retreat:

• Soul Prints, Imprints, and Inner Urges
o Learning how to recognize your life’s purpose
• Learning how to defeat the enemy of your soul
o Giving voice to your dreams
• Learning how to get rid of inner weaknesses and defeating habit patterns
o The story is hidden in your Auric field
• How to become relentless about fulfilling your dream destiny
o Includes techniques to maximize your unique potential

NOTE: This class is for the SERIOUS student of metaphysical, spiritual, and holistic health student.

This retreat will be informative, fun and life changing. Dress comfortably and bring a pillow and a bathing suit. Lunch will either be potluck or we’ll order out so having cash will convenient for you.

This retreat will be different from any other that you’ve experienced. Complete with soul journey drawings that have hung in museums. Carole Grant became intuitive spontaneously from a near-death experience. She was taught entirely by spirit for 2 years and then had the opportunity to be taught by the best in the field. She was the first person to teach at the Psychic Research Center in Hollywood, Florida and the first person to teach intuitive development at Nova University. She has written, produced and hosted 3 radio shows on how to develop your intuition and has taught nationally Executive ESP to business people. She is a syndicated astrology columnist and renowned media personality.

Friday evening, July 11th -- 7pm-10pm: $30.00
Saturday, July 12th -- 9am-5pm: $100.00
Both Days: $110.00

Call to make reservations with Carole Grant 561-523-2361 or Julie Cotton 917-733-4770. A $20.00 deposit is necessary. Space is limited if you are planning on spending the night.

Spirit Talks
By Carole Lynn Grant
This class will combine ancient wisdoms with modern intuitive techniques to maximize your potential for the rest of 2014. The course is geared toward the serious student who is ready to advance mentally, emotionally, and financially. Each week we’ll have a different topic about intuitive development depending on the students who sign up for the course and their needs.
You will learn…
• How to read the Akashic Records.
• How to communicate clearly with your spirit guides and angels.
• How to develop instant rapport with clients and business associates.
• Astrology trends and world predictions so that you can be in the right place at the right time to fulfill your dreams and goals.
**For the people who sign up for the entire coarse I will run their Astrological Chart and week by week explain them.**
For the occasional student a new topic will be taught each night with practical application and demonstrations.

Begins: July 10th 2014
Duration: 4 Week Sessions – Meeting every other week.
Times: 7:00pm – 9:30pm
Cost: $20.00 per session or $70.00 in advance.
Limit: 10 people per session.

About Carole: 40 years of teaching Parapsychology around the world. She was the first person to teach at the Psychical Research Center at Nova University. Carole has written and hosted 3 radio shows; one in California and two in Florida. She is currently a syndicated Astrology Columnist for Seabreeze Publications and Banzi Magazine.

Please feel free to call me for location and any other questions you may have. Schedules can be flexible if people are going away on vacations, we can work it all out the first night.

Contact me at carolelynngrant@bellsouth.net or 561-523-2361.
And please check out my website for new blogs and much much more at www.carolelynngrant.com.