Sometimes You Just Have To Be A Litte Outragous

Not only will 2016 shift more paradigms at every level experience for all of us but it will also be a year that we can go higher and faster toward achieving our success. True, according to numerology, 2016 is a year of completion and it will be the end of some chapters in your life, it will also be a joy filled year of happiness in the midst of storms. The caveat is here, to be amazingly successful on a new frontier or level of life you must deal with your demons of habitual self-defeating habits. You will not be able to kid yourself by saying "This won't hurt this once", eat too much sugar, drink that drink, not pay your bills, or wait until the last minute to do anything. As high as you can go with your breakthroughs is how dangerous it can be if you don't get honest with yourself. This is not me talking, it is the planet. Uranus, the planet of Sudden and Unexpected change, in a direct square to Pluto, the planet of reinvention, recreating yourself can completely change your life in a day when you've done your due diligence and are prepared to expand your horizons. I know you can feel if deep inside your little voice can be saying "something GOOD is going to happen to me!". Perhaps you're a radical dreamer that will break barriers in the education field or an inventor that has a wacky idea that you know will work. You must be fully prepared to act quickly when your time does come.

This year is about the fellowship of man, together we can all win. It is a lot like the 60s, we are the flower generation, peace love and whatever. The difference is this will be a year of awakening to higher spiritual realms where excellence integrity, hard work, persistence and a healthy good attitude can create a sustainable lifetime paradigm.

I am going to close with this, remember to honor each other, extend yourself to help others when you can. (This is why I am writing the article and creating my business page, because it is my passionate goal to edify you and encourage you to reach for the stars!)

Don't be afraid to go out on a limb, I've done this so many times, and thank God he always built a tree under me. You won't have all your answers but you will have a burning desire to go where you've never gone before. Yup! All my Star Trek friends let's go where we've never gone together and have fun doing it!

See you soon,